Behavior actions for controlling timelines

Attach the behavior actions listed here to a link, button, or other object to control timelines. To create interesting effects, you can place behaviors containing these actions in the Behaviors channel. For example, you can make a timeline stop itself. For more information, see Attaching a behavior to a timeline and Behaviors overview.

Drag Layer Lets the user drag a layer. Use this action to create puzzles, slider controls, and other moveable user interface elements. See Drag Layer.

Show-Hide Layers Shows, hides, or restores the default visibility of one or more layers. This action is useful for showing information as the user interacts with the page. See Show-Hide Layers.

Play Timeline and Stop Timeline Let users start and stop a timeline by clicking a link or button. These actions can also start and stop a timeline automatically when the user rolls over a link, image, or other object. See Play Timeline and Stop Timeline.

Go To Timeline Frame Causes the timeline to jump to a certain frame. The Loop checkbox in the Timeline inspector adds the Go To Timeline Frame action after the last frame of the animation, causing it to go to frame 1 and start the animation again. See Go To Timeline Frame

Set Text of Layer Replaces the content and formatting of an existing layer on a page with the content you specify. The content can include any valid HTML. See Set Text of Layer.